Determination of Time by Ernest Irwandi

A determination of time, however, in every count of seconds, rewinds, forwards, and continues in cycles. Just like the establishment of  a form of understanding to what is happening, in that period, (not) this very second.


We move in a beautiful cycles, in the cosmos. I . As a part of an exhausting process, allured with an enlightment which probably will enable us to comprehend.


In the beginning, as a start, we established a language which integrates our state of mind with the surroundings. In the form of signs,

Then within the interpretation of abstract languages, in this period. We see, the integration from the manifestation of surrounding objects, in the lower plane of reality. Media. Where everything depends on the linear time. Momentarily and constantly changing, we established the existence of meanings which causes every occurrences.


Like the condition, in exterior property plane. Like the mind and the relationship with the experienced form, trying to analyze one by one of all things which are believed as the essence of the manifestation of the particular form. 

If we finally discovered the cause, the theory will gradually being understood (by the outline) by someone, and the theory  will become the final victory of mankind.


Scientific reconstruction on a small conclusion, in the evolution of human consciousness, causes the existence of the appearance of the rationale, like our memory. In the physical plane, that depended on brain molecular response to the impulse of other consciousness of the body like our sight, our sense of hearing, our sense of touch or whatever that interact with the exterior condition. And if this consciousness still aware with the condition, the memory will still present. The memory of the personality belongs to the transitory part of man’s complex nature.


However the placement of thoughts in the structure of the creation of the universe can be seen as a system of thoughts that controlled the established knowledge which are actually relative. Acknowledgement indirectly from the feeble of thought within duration, particles and the divine entity, exist in questions like “who am I?”; “Why the colors of the flower are very soothing?”; “Where all the expired goods in the supermarket will go?” and so on, caused the rejection of every naive clarification trough a conclusion and creating the longing desire of newer establishment, the Divine structure.


Conditioned in the unity of the Monad, meanings which have unlimited difference. Even the elementary particles have changed and becoming more difficult to be understood when we discover that we cannot obstruct the unlimited. This difference gives conceptions to thousand combinations, from the absolute freedom; the freedom gives meanings to itself. The freedom to comprehend.


We move from small part to the entire and back again, and in the dancing of understanding, in the circle of interpretation which is very astonishing, we will experience a perspective which clarify meaning, value and truth, until in this cycles we are guided to the higher truth about the One and return again in the lower truth for the gradual understanding of every parts and going into the direction of integral form which foothold in harmony, in soil and raindrops, in ATM machines, in the movement of escalator in supermal, until everything leans in beauty of the universe.  

Ernest Irwandi

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